Setting out on your photography venture with a new speedlight? Step up your lighting game & learn all about the best flash modifiers for a truly captivating visual experience!

Embarking on your photographic journey, you’ve likely dabbled in portraits or event coverage using your newly acquired speedlight. When using a hot shoe flash on a regular basis, the question naturally arises – how can you enhance its capabilities to create even more stunning images? That’s where the world of flash modifiers comes into play, offering a gateway to the creative realm of light shaping.

Whether you’re keeping it simple with an on-camera flash or going for a more mobile lighting setup, understanding the subtleties of flash modifiers opens up a realm of creative possibilities. With the growing popularity of speedlights, a surge of modifiers has hit the market, providing a diverse range of options to elevate the quality and aesthetics of your portable light source. So, welcome to a beginner’s guide to light shaping – your doorway to unlocking the full potential of your speedlight.

Camera with a speedlight flash attached worn by a photographer during an event

What Exactly Is a Flash Modifier?

Thoughtful lighting is the key to professional-looking photographs, and understanding the tools that transform it into art is crucial. Light modifiers are powerful devices used for shaping and controlling light – essentially, it’s anything used to alter the intensity, color, direction, spread, and texture of the light emitted by your speedlight. Flash modifiers, in particular, offer remarkable advantages over using bare flash, providing ways to tailor the light to your artistic vision in diverse ways.

Depending on the specific type, flash modifiers serve several essential purposes:

  • Directing – flash modifiers allow you to contain and direct your light precisely, ensuring that only the intended portions of the scene are illuminated.
  • Softening – a bare flash emits sharp light, but modifiers work wonders by significantly reducing this harshness and creating a more flattering and gentle illumination with less prominent contrast.
  • Coloring – introducing gels to your speedlight allows you to infuse your light with color, adding a creative dimension to your photography. This opens up a world of possibilities for expressing mood and style.
  • Expanding – spreading your light and distributing it across a broader area lets you create a more even and expansive illumination.
Camera with a flashgun attached in a studio setting

Why Are Flash Modifiers Important?

In photography, gaining control over the intense flash is essential – the direct light from an on-camera flash can be harsh, casting unflattering shadows and creating excessive color contrast. While bouncing the light off surfaces like walls or ceilings is a common workaround, it’s not always practical, as nearby surfaces may introduce unwanted hues. In such scenarios, modifiers become indispensable. They offer a more accessible solution to soften and shape the light, ensuring optimal illumination and excellent image quality.

Which Light Modifier Should I Buy For My Flashgun?

Selecting the right light modifier for your flashgun hinges on the specific effects you aim to achieve in your photos. The diverse array of modifiers each produces unique results, making it crucial to align your choice with your desired lighting outcome. To navigate this decision, it’s helpful to work backward—identify the type of lighting you intend to create, and then match it with the suitable modifier. Many manufacturers offer comprehensive kits that include a variety of modifiers, providing a cost-effective way to experiment with different lighting effects and maximize your creative versatility.

A photographer taking a picture using a camera with a speedlight flash attached

On-Camera Flash Modifier Types

Let’s delve into the essential hot shoe flash modifiers that can elevate your photography and uncover the key to versatile and refined images. Made to easily attach to your speedlight, these compact accessories allow seamless use while mounted on your camera.


Speedlight diffusers serve as quick, portable, and highly efficient solutions to soften and tone down the light from a hot shoe flash. These accessories are invaluable when you want to achieve a soft light with reduced shadows on your subject. Particularly useful in event or wedding photography, they help create a more flattering, omnidirectional light with superior results.

Bounce Cards

Another basic light modifier, a bounce card is essentially a white surface attached to the back of your flash, redirecting the light back into the frame when the flash is angled upward. While many modern flashes come equipped with a built-in bounce card, these are often small and simple. Opting for a specially designed accessory can yield superior results, offering a larger and more effective surface for bouncing light.

Small softboxes

Offering a compact yet powerful solution to shape and control light, softboxes typically enclose the flash head with a reflective material, efficiently guiding the light in a specific direction and dispersing it with the diffusive material on the front. They’re the best solution for creating an appealing illumination with subtle, soft shadows and limited spillage.


Gels are colored, transparent sheets that alter the hue of your light source, available in various colors for creative or corrective use. Cost-effective and practical, they adjust the color temperature or infuse the light with a chosen hue, making them essential for creative flash photography. Instantly transforming scenes, gels offer a simple yet impactful trick to enhance the mood and ambiance of your photographs.


A grid is a compact accessory designed to exert precise control over the direction and spread of light from your speedlight. It refines the light beam, minimizing spill for focused and directional illumination. It provides meticulous control over light shaping, proving invaluable for keeping the light strictly in the foreground. If you’re aiming for dramatic effects, a grid offers a straightforward solution to shape your speedlight’s output with precision.

Barn Doors

If you’re looking to control and shape the light from your speedlight with accuracy, barn doors are an invaluable tool. These adjustable metal flaps are used to restrict the light spill, allowing you to direct it towards specific areas while blocking it from others. Ideal for dramatic lighting effects, barn doors can enhance your photography by adding depth and character to your subjects with targeted illumination.


Photographers who aim to focus light into a narrow beam will find snoots to be invaluable tools, perfect for accentuating specific elements within a scene or infusing portraits with a dramatic flair. By concentrating the flash output, they effectively create mood and draw attention to fine details, proving to be a valuable addition to any photographer’s toolkit.

Going Beyond The Hot Shoe

Most contemporary speedlights have a built-in radio receiver, which means you can easily take your flash off the camera and pop it onto a light stand. This move gives you considerable control over where your light is coming from, letting you move your flash around without being tied to your camera. It’s a game-changer for getting your lighting just right, whether you’re aiming for a soft glow or a dramatic shadow. However, to take full advantage of moving your flash off-camera, you need the right setup to connect it to the countless studio light modifiers out there.

Model posing in a studio setting

Attaching a Bowens Modifier To Your Speedlight

To truly take your lighting to the next level and expand your creative options, consider equipping your speedlight with a Bowens-type mounting bracket. This simple accessory is sure to turn your hot shoe flash into a pivotal piece of a professional lighting setup, letting you use it with a wide array of light modifiers and experiment with different qualities of light.

Investing in such a setup is not only a win for your current lighting needs but also a strategic move for the future. If your gear eventually grows to include studio flashes, you’re already equipped with compatible modifiers, ensuring a smooth transition and continued creative exploration.

Learn all about studio flash modifiers in our follow-up article!

Additional Tips

  • A tiny speedlight flash won’t be able to fill an 180 cm octabox with enough light. Aim for small & medium-sized softboxes instead.
  • Each speedlight to Bowens mount adapter has its own payload, remember to keep your setup moderately lightweight.
  • To spread the light more evenly within the modifier and create a softer and more uniform effect, set your speedlight’s zoom setting to the widest angle.
  • Experiment with different modifiers to understand their impact on light quality.
  • Pay attention to the ambient light in your shooting environment. Adjust the power and modifiers accordingly to seamlessly blend artificial and natural light.
a photographer using a camera with a speedlite flash attached for product photography

Feel Free to Experiment

As you embark on your journey of light shaping with speedlight flash modifiers, remember that the true magic lies in hands-on experience. While exploring the world of light modifiers, don’t just read about them—practice with them. Mix different modifiers and light types to discover the limitless possibilities they offer and let creativity guide your exploration. By understanding their unique characteristics, you’ll not only capture captivating photographs with enhanced depth, mood, and precision, but also elevate your understanding of the nuanced art of photography.

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